Over the last few weeks, we took donations though Reciprocal Memberships as well as proceeds from Sophiella Gallery to distribute to our downtown community’s lifeblood. We received $900.00 in donations to the SERVICE INDUSTRY RELIEF FUND in total, on May 7th we were able to draw 6 names to send a check for $150 each.
Please continue to find ways to support downtown businesses. It’s low wage and gig economy workers hit hardest by this. If they are back at work, it’s usually at cut hours, at their own peril and without health insurance. The vast majority are out of work completely.
We might have to live without those goods and services in order to keep the most vulnerable parts of our community safe, but we can still find ways to ensure they’re there when we come back. We may all feel very small right now, but our collective power is immense.