ACAC to Receive 2-years of Funding
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts names Alabama Contemporary as only Alabama Awardee for Spring 2022 cycle
Program Support will fund exhibitions and programs over the next 2 years
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts has announced its Spring 2022 grantees, and Alabama Contemporary Art Center is on the list! In its second funding commitment to ACAC, $100,000 in program support over 2 years will fund the exhibitions and performance work of a multitude of artists and curators working at the cutting edge of cultural production. A total of $3.9 million was awarded to 50 organizations from 18 states and the District of Columbia to support visual arts programs, exhibitions, and curatorial research projects. As recipient of the highest award amount granted, and the only award made in the State of Alabama, ACAC is honored and steadfast in its commitment to support innovation, a diversity of perspectives, and integrating Southern voices into national and international conversation.
“We are honored and humbled to get to support so much talent from both within and outside this community. This award, as the second 2-year commitment received, gives validity, credibility and visibility to the creative and intellectual labor of our mission. What we do best is simply open our doors and facilitate. National recognition means we aren’t alone in loving this city, and that the work we’re doing is relevant beyond Alabama.”
- elizabet elliott, Executive Director/Curator
Program support from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts will primarily fund artist and curator honorariums and exhibition expenses to support the rigorous 10 exhibitions per year schedule. Since 2019, Alabama Contemporary has adhered to W.A.G.E. certification standards that set democratic rates for valuing creative labor. By doing so, ACAC aims to set a precedent for how artists are supported in the region, not through “exposure,” but through sustainable investment in new work and new ideas.
In accordance with Andy Warhol’s will, the mission of The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts is the advancement of the visual arts. The foundation manages an innovative and flexible grants program while also preserving Warhol’s legacy through creative and responsible licensing policies and extensive scholarly research for ongoing catalogue raisonné projects. To date, the foundation has given over $260 million in cash grants to over 1,000 arts organizations in 49 states and abroad and has donated 52,786 works of art to 322 institutions worldwide.
In addition to this program support, ACAC is part of the Regional Regranting program under The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The Verdant Fund is a collaborative effort of Alabama Contemporary Art Center (Mobile), Coleman Center for the Arts (York), and Space One Eleven (Birmingham), established in 2019; one of 32+ Regional Regranters, administered by non-profit visual art centers across the United States working in partnership with the Warhol Foundation to fund artists’ experimental projects and collaborative undertakings. The fund awards $60,000 per year in project grants to artists working outside of traditional institutions and methodologies. The application for the 2022 cycle is now open and can be found at VerdantFund.org.
For more information about ACAC’s programs and exhibitions, visit alabamacontemporary.org. ###